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Publications Bibfile (Conferences and Journals)

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Conference proceedings:


   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Paper Title},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of Conference Name},
   Address = {city, country},
   Year = {yyyy},
   Pages = {p1-p2},
   Url = {*Folder/file1.pdf | PDF &&
          Group.Blog-Page | Project page && 
          *Folder/file1.ext | Source code &&
   Key = {dummy-template}


Journal articles:


   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Paper Title},
   Journal = {Journal Name},
   Pages = {p1-p2},
   Number = {n},
   Volume = {v},
   Month = {StartDay-EndDay, Month},
   Year = {yyyy},
   Url = {*Folder/file1.pdf | PDF &&
          Group.Blog-Page | Project page && 
          *Folder/file1.ext | Source code &&
   Note = {ISSN nnnn-mmmm},
   Key = {dummy-template}




      title={Weighted Combinatorial Laplacian and its Application to Coverage Repair in Sensor Networks}, 
      author={Shunsaku Yadokoro and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      note = {arXiv:2312.04825 [cs.RO]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
      Key = {simplicial complex, algebraic topology, sensor network, coverage, pre-print}



      title={Landmark-based distributed topological mapping and navigation in GPS-denied urban environments using teams of low-cost robots}, 
      author={Mohammad Saleh Teymouri and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AGNT)},
      publisher = {Springer Nature},
      note = {DOI:10.1007/s10458-024-09635-y},
      Url = { &| PDF on Springer website &&
              & | Electronic pre-print version on },
      Key = {mult-robot, multi-agent, topological, homology, exploration, mapping, navigation, journal}



    title = {Forming and Controlling Hitches in Midair Using Aerial Robots},
    author = {Diego S. D'Antonio and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and David Saldaņa},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2023},
    month = {May},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website (not available yet) &&
            & | Preprint on arXiv},
   Key = {cable. manipulation, planning, control, conference}



      title={Coordination-free Multi-robot Path Planning for Congestion Reduction Using Topological Reasoning}, 
      author={Xiaolong Wang, Alp Sahin and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      journal = {Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (JINT)},
      publisher = {Springer Nature},
      note = {DOI:10.1007/s10846-023-01878-3},
      Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/coord_free_planning_rev1.pdf | PDF on Springer website &&
              & | Electronic pre-print version on },
      Key = {mult-robot, multi-agent, congestion reduction, probabilistic, stochastic robotics, topological, homology, coordination communication free, decentralized, distributed, journal}



      title={Optimal Path Planning in Distinct Topo-Geometric Classes using Neighborhood-augmented Graph and its Application to Path Planning for a Tethered Robot in 3D}, 
      author={Alp Sahin and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      note = {arXiv:2306.01203 [cs.RO]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
      Key = {multi-class, topo-geometric, path planning, neighborhood-augmented graph, topological, homotopy, pre-print}



    author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    title = {On some bounds on the perturbation of invariant subspaces of normal matrices with application to a graph connection problem},
    journal = {Journal of Inequalities and Applications},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {75},
    key = {spectral method, matrix perturbation, geometry, graph theory, journal},
    url = { & | PDF on Springer website &&
            (*)Projects-MathPhy/Geometry/metric_geometry_lemma_for_JIAP_paper.pdf | Brief note on geometry lemmas appearing in the paper }



      title={Coordination-free Multi-robot Path Planning for Congestion Reduction Using Topological Reasoning}, 
      author={Xiaolong Wang, Alp Sahin, Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      note = {arXiv:2205.00955 [cs.RO]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
      Key = {mult-robot, multi-agent, congestion reduction, probabilistic robotics, topological, homology, pre-print}



    author = {Xiaolong Wang and Matt Bilsky and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    title = {Search-based Configuration Planning and Motion Control Algorithms for a Snake-like Robot Performing Load-intensive Operations},
    journal = {Autonomous Robots (AURO)},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {45},
    pages = {1047-1076},
    key = {configuration motion planning, graph search, snake-like robot, articulated systems, robot manipulators, journal},
    url = { &  | PDF on Springer website}



      AUTHOR={Leiming Zhang and Amanda Prorok and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      TITLE={Pursuer Assignment and Control Strategies in Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Under Uncertainties},
      JOURNAL={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},
      Url = { & | PDF on publisher's website},
      Key = {mult-robot, multi-agent, pursuit evasion, control, probabilistic robotics, journal}



      author={Leiming Zhang and Brian M. Sadler and Rick S. Blum and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks}, 
      title={Inter-cluster Transmission Control Using Graph Modal Barriers}, 
      Url = { & | PDF on publisher's website &&
              & | Electronic pre-print of an earlier version on },
      Key = {graph modal analysis, information transmission control, spectral analysis, perturbation theory, journal}



      title={Pursuer Assignment and Control Strategies in Multi-agent Pursuit-Evasion Under Uncertainties}, 
      author={Leiming Zhang and Amanda Prorok and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      note = {arXiv:2103.15660 [cs.RO]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
      Key = {mult-robot, multi-agent, pursuit evasion, control, probabilistic robotics, pre-print}



      title={On Some Bounds on the Perturbation of Invariant Subspaces of Normal Matrices with Application to a Graph Connection Problem}, 
      author={Subhrjit Bhattacharya},
      month = {Mar},
      note = {arXiv:2103.09413 [cs.SP]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on &&
              (*)Projects-MathPhy/Geometry/metric_geometry_lemma_for_JIAP_paper.pdf | Brief note on geometry lemmas appearing in the paper },
      Key = {spectral method, matrix perturbation, geometry, graph theory, pre-print}



      title={Landmark-based Distributed Topological Mapping and Navigation in GPS-denied Urban Environments Using Teams of Low-cost Robots}, 
      author={Mohammad Saleh Teymouri and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
      month = {Feb},
      note = {arXiv:2103.03741 [cs.RO]},
      Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
      Key = {robot coverage, swarm, simplicial complex, pre-print}



  title={Inter-cluster Transmission Control Using Graph Modal Barriers},
  author={Leiming Zhang and Brian M. Sadler and Rick S. Blum and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04790},
   Month = {Oct},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
   eprint = {2010.04790},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {cs.SI},
   note = {arXiv:2010.04790 [cs.SI]},
   Key = {graph modal analysis, information transmission control, spectral analysis, perturbation theory, pre-print}



    title = {Multi-Robot Path Deconfliction through Prioritization by Path Prospects},
    author = {Wenying Wu and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Amanda Prorok},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2020},
    month = {May},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website &&
            & | Preprint on arXiv},
   Key = {topological classes, Z2 homology, multi-robot, path planning, conference}



    author = {Leiming Zhang and Amanda Prorok and Subhrajit Bhattacharya },
    booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems},
    title = {Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion under Uncertainties with Redundant Robot Assignments},
    year = {2019},
    month = {22-23, August}
    key = {multi-robot, pursuit, evasion, uncertainty, probabilistic, Markov localization, redundant assignment, conference},
    Note = {Extended Abstract},
    Url = { & | PDF on IEEE website &&
            & | Related journal publication &&
            & | conference website }



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Towards Optimal Path Computation in a Simplicial Complex},
   Journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR)},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2019},
   volume = {38},
   number = {8},
   pages = {981-1009},
   doi = {10.1177/0278364919855422},
   Url = { & | PDF on publisher's website &&
           & | DOSL C++ library with an implementation of Basic S* &&
           & | Electronic pre-print of an earlier version },
   Note = {DOI: 10.1177/0278364919855422},
   Key = {journal, motion planning, SStar, discrete geometry, simplicial complex}



   Author = {Bo Tian and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Modelling and Control of a Spatial Dynamic Cable},
   Journal = {Acta Mechanica Sinica},
   Publisher = {Springer}
   Month = {Apr},
   Year = {2019},
   Url = { & | PDF on Springer website},
   Volume = {35},
   pages = {866-878},
   Key = {journal, control, dynamics, cable, dynamical system, underactuated system}



    Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist},
    Title = {Path Homotopy Invariants and their Application to Optimal Trajectory Planning},
    Journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence},
    year = {2018},
    month = {December},
    volume = {84},
    number = {3-4},
    pages = {139-160},
    Url = { & | PDF on publisher's website &&
            & | Electronic pre-print on &&
            (*)Projects-MathPhy/Homotopy/knot_planning.pdf | PDF of related conference paper },
    Publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, topology, homotopy, path planning, robot, graph, search, knot, group, word problem, journal}



    author = {Dhanushka Kularatne and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and M. Ani Hsieh},
    title = {Going with the flow: a graph based approach to optimal path planning in general flows},
    journal = {Autonomous Robots (AURO)},
    publisher = {Springer},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {42},
    number = {7},
    pages = {1369-1387},
    month = {Oct},
    key = {motion plaiing, graph search, flow, topological path planning, journal},
    issn = {1573-7527},
    note = {DOI: 10.1007/s10514-018-9741-6},
    url = { & | PDF on Springer website}



    author = {Xiaolong Wang and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent Robots (IROS)},
    title = {A Topological Approach to Workspace and Motion Planning for a Cable-Controlled Robot in Cluttered Environments},
    year = {2018},
    month = {1-5, October}
    key = {cables, graph search, topological path planning, topological abstraction, conference},
    Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/workspace_planning_v2.pdf | PDF }



    author = {Xiaolong Wang and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
    title = {A Topological Approach to Workspace and Motion Planning for a Cable-Controlled Robot in Cluttered Environments},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {3},
    number = {3},
    pages = {2600-2607},
    key = {cables, graph search, topological path planning, topological abstraction, journal},
    note = {DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2817684},
    Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/workspace_planning_v2.pdf | PDF },



   Author = {Monroe Kennedy, III and Dinesh Thakur and M. Ani Hsieh and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Optimal Paths for Polygonal Robots in SE(2)},
   Journal = {Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics},
   Publisher = {ASME},
   Pages = {021005-021005-8},
   Number = {2},
   Volume = {10},
   Month = {Feb 01},
   Year = {2018},
   Url = { & | PDF on ASME website },
   Note = {DOI: 10.1115/1.4038980},
   Key = {path planning, se2, smooth paths, dynamically feasible, quadcopter, journal}



    title = {Landmark-based Exploration with Swarm of Resource Constrained Robots},
    author = {Rattanachai Ramaithitima and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2018},
    month = {May 21-25},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website},
   Key = {topological representation, SLAM, topology, swarm, swarms, sensor network, coverage, GPS denied, simplicial complex, landmark complex, conference}



    author = {Dhanushka Kularatne and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and M. Ani Hsieh},
    journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
    title = {Optimal Path Planning in Time-Varying Flows using Adaptive Discretization},
    year = {2017},
    number = {99},
    pages = {1-1},
    key = {Cost function, Drag, Marine vehicles, Oceans, Path planning, Vehicle dynamics, Graph Based Planning, Marine Robotics, Motion and Path Planning, Optimization in Time-Varying Flows, journal},
    doi = {10.1109/LRA.2017.2761939},
    ISSN = {},
    month = {},
    Url = { & | PDF on IEEE website },



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Approximate Structure Construction Using Large Statistical Swarms},
   Journal = {Electronic Pre-print},
   Month = {June},
   Year = {2017},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
   eprint = {1706.03842},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {cs.RO},
   note = {arXiv:1706.03842 [cs.RO]},
   Key = {statistical swarm, Markov process, particle dynamics, mode harmonic attractor dynamics, pre-print}



    author = {Monroe Kennedy III and Dinesh Thakur and M. Ani Hsieh and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {Optimal Paths for Polygonal Robots in SE(2)},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) },
    month = {Aug},
    year = {2017},
    address = {Cleveland, OH, USA},
    url = { & | PDF },
    key = {path planning, motion planning, se2, topology, conference}



    author = {Luis Guerrero-Bonilla and Kartik Mohta and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {Flight Trajectory Tracking and Recovery in Presence of Large Disturbances},
    booktitle={2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)},
    month = {June},
    year = {2017},
    address = {Miami, FL, USA},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website },
    key = {uav, drone, parking, smart city, conference}



    author = {Xin Li and Mooi Chuah and Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
    title = {UAV Assited Smart Parking Solution},
    booktitle={2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)},
    month = {June},
    year = {2017},
    address = {Miami, FL, USA},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website },
    key = {uav, drone, control, trajectory, conference}



    Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist},
    Title = {Path Homotopy Invariants and their Application to Optimal Trajectory Planning},
    Journal = {electronic pre-print},
    year = {2017},
    note = {arXiv:1710.02871 [cs.RO]},
    Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on &&
            (*)Projects-MathPhy/Homotopy/knot_planning.pdf | PDF of related conference paper },
    eprint = {1710.02871},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
    primaryClass  = {cs.RO},
    Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, topology, homotopy, path planning, robot, graph, search, knot, group, word problem, pre-print}



    title = {Planning Dynamically Feasible Trajectories using Safe Flight Corridors in 3-D Complex Environments},
    author = {Sikang Liu and Michael Watterson and Kartik Mohta and Ke Sun and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Camillo Jose Taylor and Vijay Kumar},
    Journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
    year = {2017},
    month = {January},
    volume = {2},
    number = {3},
    url = { & | PDF on IEEE website},
    Key = {motion planning, quadcopter, drone, UAV, quadratic program, safe corridor, journal}



    author = {Sarah Costrell and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist},
    publisher = {IEEE Signal Processing Society},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)},
    title = {Reconstruction of Euclidean Embeddings in Dense Networks},
    year = {2016},
    month = {7-9 Dec},
    address = {Washington, D.C., USA},
    Key = {inverse problem, geometry, sensor network, conference},
    Url = { & | Poster PDF on conference web-site},



    author = {Rattanachai Ramaithitima and Siddharth Srivastava and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Alberto Speranzon and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {Hierarchical Strategy Synthesis for Pursuit-Evasion Problems},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference  on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)},
    month = {29 August - 2 Sept},
    year = {2016},
    Url = { & | conference website },
    Key = {utrc, topological abstraction, topological representation for swarms, Tee, pursuit-evasion, conference}



    author = {Dhanushka Kularatne and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and M. Ani Hsieh},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and System (RSS)},
    title = {Time and Energy Optimal Path Planning in General Flows},
    month = {June},
    year = {2016},
    Url = { & | paper on conference site },
    Key = {flow, graph search, optimal motion planning, conference, topological path planning}



    author={M. Whitzer and J. Keller and S. Bhattacharya and V. Kumar and T. Sands and L. Ritholtz and A. Pope and D. Dickmann},
    booktitle={2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)},
    title={In-flight formation control for a team of fixed-wing aerial vehicles},
    Url = { & | paper on publisher's site },
    Key = {formation, flight, aerial, fixed wing, Lockheed Martin, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A Search Algorithm for Simplicial Complexes},
   Journal = {Electronic Pre-print},
   Month = {August},
   Year = {2016},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on },
   eprint = {1607.07009},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {cs.DM},
   note = {arXiv:1607.07009 [cs.DM]},
   Key = {simplicial method in motion planning, topology, simplicial complex, search algorithm, S*, S star, any angle planning, pre-print}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist},
   Title = {Path Homotopy Invariants and their Application to Optimal Trajectory Planning},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics (IMAMR)},
   year = {2015},
   month = {September 9-11},
   address = {St Anne's College, University of Oxford},
   Url = { (*)Projects-MathPhy/Homotopy/knot_planning.pdf | PDF &&
           & | conference website },
   Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, topology, homotopy, path planning, robot, graph, search, knot, group, word problem, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A General Continuous Inverse Kinematics Algorithm for a Planar Robot Arm},
   Journal = {Electronic Pre-print},
   Month = {September},
   Year = {2013-14},
   Url = { (*)Projects-Work/Robot_Arm_1/IK_only.pdf | PDF &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=RobotArm:IK:13 | Full published article (bibtex) &&
           & | Complete published article &&
           & | HTML5 + Javascript simulation },
   titlecomment = {[Excerpts from full publication entitled "A Classification of Configuration Spaces of Planar Robot Arms with Application to a Continuous Inverse Kinematics Problem" ]},
   Key = {robot arm, topological abstraction, inverse kinematics, pre-print}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Persistent Homology for Path Planning in Uncertain Environments},
   Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)},
   Month = {March},
   Year = {2015},
   Volume = {31},
   number = {3},
   pages = {578-590},
   note = {DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2015.2412051},
   Url = { & | PDF on IEEE Xplore &&
           & | pre-print (PDF) of an earlier version },
   Key = {topological path planning, topology, persistence, persistent, homology, Z2 coefficient, path planning, uncertainty, journal}



    title = {Automated Creation of Topological Maps in Unknown Environments Using a Swarm of Resource-Constrained Robots},
    author = {Rattanachai Ramaithitima and Mickey Whitzer and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    Journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
    year = {2016},
    volume = {1},
    number = {2},
    pages = {746-753},
    month = {January},

note = {DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2523600},

    url = { &  > (*)Projects-Work/Swarms_Tee/swarms_tpm_RAL.pdf | PDF on IEEE website},
    Key = {topological representation for swarms, topology, swarm, swarms, sensor network, coverage, topological map, GVG, generalized voronoi graph, GPS denied, journal}



    title = {Automated Creation of Topological Maps in Unknown Environments Using a Swarm of Resource-Constrained Robots},
    author = {Rattanachai Ramaithitima and Mickey Whitzer and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2016},
    month = {May 16-21},
    url = { &  > (*)Projects-Work/Swarms_Tee/swarms_tpm_RAL.pdf | abstract on conference website},
   Key = {topological representation for swarms, topology, swarm, swarms, sensor network, coverage, GPS denied, conference}



    title = {Sensor Coverage of Unknown Environments by Robot Swarms Using Limited Local Sensing},
    author = {Rattanachai Ramaithitima and Mickey Whitzer and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2015},
    month = {May 26-30},
    url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/Swarms_Tee/swarms_ICRA15.pdf | PDF on IEEE website},
   Key = {topological representation for swarms, topology, swarm, swarms, sensor network, coverage, GPS denied, conference}



    author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Soonkyum Kim and Hordur Heidarsson and Gaurav Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {A Topological Approach to using cables to separate and manipulate sets of objects},
    year = {2015},
    month = {April},
    journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
    volume = {34},
    number = {6},
    pages = {799--815},
    note = {DOI: 10.1177/0278364914562236},
     Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/homotopy_caging2.pdf | PDF on Sagepub's web-site &&
             Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Persistence-Plnning:TRO:15 | Related pre-print on homotopy invariants &&
            *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/video_final_nosound.mpg | Video of dynamic simulations and experiment},
    key = {topological path planning, journal, topology, graph search, planning, object manipulation, cable}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Mihail Pivtoraiko},
   Title = {A Classification of Configuration Spaces of Planar Robot Arms for a Continuous Inverse Kinematics Problem},
   Journal = {Acta Applicandae Mathematicae},
   publisher = {Springer},
   volume = {139},
   number = {1},
   pages = {133-166},
   Month = {October},
   Year = {2015},
   note = {DOI: s10440-014-9973-1},
   Url = { & | Link to article on Springer web-site &&
           & | Related electronic pre-print on &&
           & | HTML5 + Javascript simulation },
   Key = {topology, Reb graph, Reeb structure, topological abstraction, morse theory, robot arm, inverse kinematics, journal}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Persistent Homology for Path Planning in Uncertain Environments},
   titlecomment = {[Original title: "Persistent homology in  coefficients for robot path planning in uncertain environments"]},
   Journal = {pre-print},
   Month = {April},
   Year = {2015},
   Url = { & | pre-print (PDF) of an earlier version },
   Key = {topological path planning, topology, persistence, persistent, homology, Z2 coefficient, path planning, uncertainty, pre-print, hidden}



    title = {Human-Robot Collaborative Topological Exploration for Search and Rescue Applications},
    TitleComment = {[Nominated for Best Paper Award]},
    author = {Vijay Govindarajan and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    Booktitle = {International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS)},
    year = {2014},
    url = { (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/HRI_DARS_new.pdf | PDF},
   Key = {topological path planning, topology, path planning, human robot interaction, collaboration, conference}



    title = {Pursuit-Evasion Game for Normal Distributions},
    author = {Chanyoung Jun and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist},
    Booktitle = {2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    year = {2014},
    url = { & | Conference website &&
            (*)Projects-Work/Pursuit_Evasion/probabilistic_IROS_14.pdf | PDF &&
            (*)Projects-Work/Pursuit_Evasion/IROS_14.pdf | video },
    Key = {conference, pursuit evasion, probabilistic}



    title = {Path Planning for a Tethered Mobile Robot},
    author = {Soonkyum Kim and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
    year = {2014},
    month = {May 31 - June 7},
    address = {Hong Kong, China},
    url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/tethered_robot_ICRA14.pdf | PDF },
    Key = {conference, topological path planning, tethered root, cable}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Relationship Between Gradient of Distance Functions and Tangents to Geodesics},
   titlecomment = {[Excerpts from full publication entitled "Multi-robot Coverage and Exploration on Riemannian Manifolds with Boundary" ]},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Month = {February},
   Year = {2012},
   Url = {(*)Projects-MathPhy/Geometry/gradient_of_distance_function_proofs_only.pdf | PDF of report &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=ExploreCoverage:WAFR:12 | Related paper on coverage and exploration
   Key = {Riemannian, geometry, gradient, coverage, non-Euclidean, pre-print}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Mihail Pivtoraiko},
   Title = {A Classification of Configuration Spaces of Planar Robot Arms with Application to a Continuous Inverse Kinematics Problem},
   Journal = {Electronic pre-print},
   Month = {September},
   Year = {2013-14},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on &&
           & | PDF &&
           & | HTML5 + Javascript simulation },
   eprint = {1309.7960},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {math-DG},
   note = {arXiv:1309.7960 [math.DG]},
   Key = {topology, morse theory, robot arm, inverse kinematics, pre-print, hidden}



    author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {Multi-robot Coverage and Exploration on Riemannian Manifolds with Boundary},
    note = {DOI: 10.1177/0278364913507324},
    year = {2014},
    month = {January},
    journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
    volume = {33},
    number = {1},
    pages = {113-137},
    Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration/coverage_nonEu.pdf | PDF &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=ExploreCoverage:WAFR:12 | Related conference paper &&
           (*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration/ | C++ code for uniform coverage on 2-sphere },
    key = {Exploration, Coverage, journal, Riemannian, geometry, geodesics}



    author = {Soonkyum Kim and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
    title = {Topological Exploration of Unknown and Partially Known Environments},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
    year = {2013},
    month = {November 3-7},
    address = {Tokyo, Japan},
    note = {[DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2013.6696907]},
    Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/homology_explore_IROS13.pdf | PDF &&
            *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/iros2013.mp4 | video &&
            & | conference site},
    key = {homology, graph search, exploration, coverage, mapping, co-author, multi-robot, conference, topological path planning}



   author = {Soonkyum Kim and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Hordur Heidarsson and Gaurav Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar},
   title = {A Topological Approach to Using Cables to Separate and Manipulate Sets of Objects},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and System (RSS) },
   month = {June 24-28},
   year = {2013},
   address = {Syndey, Australia},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/homotopy_caging_RSS13.pdf | PDF &&
          & | video on Youtube },
   Key = {homotopy, topology, homology, robotics, conference, object, manipulation, oil, skimming, co-author, graph search}



   author = {Soonkyum Kim and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
   title = {Dynamic Simulation of Autonomous Boats for Cooperative Skimming and Cleanup},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) },
   month = {August 4-7},
   year = {2013},
   address = {Portland, USA},
   Url = { & | PDF (not yet available) &&
          & | video on Youtube },
   Key = {dynamics, multibody, simulation, conference, co-author}



   author = {Soonkyum Kim and Koushil Sreenath and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
   title = {Trajectory Planning for Systems with Homotopy Class Constraints},
   booktitle = {13th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK)},
   pages = {83--90},
   month = {jun},
   year = {2012},
   publisher = {Springer, Netherlands},
   address = {Innsbruck, Austria},
   Url = { & | PDF on Springer web-site },
   Key = {topological path planning, homotopy, topology, homology, robotics, conference, co-author}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Topological and Geometric Techniques in Graph-Search Based Robot Planning},
   School = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2012},
   Month = {January},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/dissertation_subhrajit.pdf | PDF of thesis &&
          *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Presentation and movies &&
          ^{Proposition 5.3.1 and Corollary 5.3.2 assume that the metric tensor is isotropic in the given coordinate chart (scalar multiple of Kronecker delta) for the application to robot coverage & exploration. See recent publication or related report for more general statements of the proposition & the corollary.} | Addendum },
   Key = {topological path planning, PhD thesis, graph search, planning, topology, geometry, coverage, exploration}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and David Lipsky and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Invariants for Homology Classes with Application to Optimal Search and Planning Problem in Robotics},
   Journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI)},
   Publisher = {Springer},
   volume = {67},
   number= {3},
   pages = {251--281},
   Month = {March},
   Year = {2013},
   Note = {DOI: 10.1007/s10472-013-9357-7}
   Url = { & > (*)Projects-MathPhy/TopologicalInvariant/homology_final.pdf | PDF on Springer web-site &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=topology:arxiv:12 | Related paper on &&
           Projects.ProgrammingLibraries-YAGSBPL | YAGSBPL library },
   Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, homology, algebraic, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, journal}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and David Lipsky and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Invariants for Homology Classes with Application to Optimal Search and Planning Problem in Robotics},
   Journal = {Electronic pre-print},
   Month = {Aug},
   Year = {2012},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on &&
           & | PDF &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=homology:amai:13 | See the published AMAI'13 paper &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=planning:AURO:12 | See the related AURO'12 paper },
   eprint = {1208.0573},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {math-AT},
   note = {arXiv:1208.0573 [math.AT]},
   Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, homology, algebraic, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, pre-print, hidden}



   Author = {Soonkyum Kim and Koushil Sreenath and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Optimal Trajectory Generation Under Homology Class Constraints},
   Booktitle = {51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control},
   Month = {10-13 Dec},
   Year = {2012},
   Url = { & | PDF on IEEE web-site},
   Key = {homotopy, topology, homology, robotics, conference, co-author}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Multi-Robot Coverage and Exploration in Non-Euclidean Metric Spaces},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of The Tenth International Workshop on the

Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics},

   Pages = {},
   Month = {13-15 June},
   Year = {2012},
   Address = {},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration/wafr2012.pdf | PDF &&
          *Projects-Work/CoverageExploration/ | PPT presentation &&
          Projects.Theses?action=bibentry&bibfile=ThesesBibfile&bibref=Coverage:Gradient:12 | Related report
   Key = {Exploration, Coverage, conference, Riemannian, geometry, geodesics}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Search-based Path Planning with Homotopy Class Constraints in 3D},
   TitleComment = {[Extended abstract with non-technical summary of our RSS12 paper.]},
   Booktitle = {Invited paper for sub-area spotlights track on 'Best-paper talks', Proceedings of Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12)},
   Month = {22-26 July},
   Year = {2012},
   Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/Homotopy3D_AAAI12.pdf | PDF &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Homotopy:RSS:11 | See RSS'12 paper for more details &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=planning:AURO:12 | See AURO'12 paper for more details },
   Key = {homotopy, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, invited, short, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Topological Constraints in Search-based Robot Path Planning},
   Journal = {Autonomous Robots},
   Publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
   issn = {0929-5593},
   Month = {October},
   Volume = {33},
   Number = {3},
   Year = {2012},
   pages = {273-290},
   Note = {DOI: 10.1007/s10514-012-9304-1},
   Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/topology_AURO_author_version.pdf | PDF on Springer web-site &&
           & > *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Supplementary videos on Springer web-site | || &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=cable:separation:IJRR:14 | Application to topological object separation && 
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Homotopy-Planning:IMAMR:15 | Related paper on Homotopy path planning &&
        Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=homology:amai:13 | AMAI'13 paper with generalization to arbitrary dimension | || &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Homotopy:AAAI:10 | Old Code for the 2D results appearing in the AAAI paper | :: &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | MATLAB code for uniformly discretized environment &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | MATLAB code for visibility graph &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | C++ code (planning with homotopy class constraints & homotopy class exploration with dynamic obstacles & non-Euclidean cost) | || &&
           & | Newer implementations using the YAGSBPL library | :: &&
           *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Bare-bones C++ implementation of homology/homotopy path planning in 2D (YAGSBPL 2.1 included) &&
           *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Implementation of differential (N-1)-form for D-dimensional Euclidean spaces with obstacles (based on AMAI paper) and topological path planning in 3-dimensional space (YAGSBPL 2.0 included)
   Key = {topological path planning, homotopy, homology, topology, path planning, graph search, robotics, journal}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {A Homotopy-like Class Invariant for Sub-manifolds of Punctured Euclidean Spaces},
   TitleComment = {[See a more recent and refined recent work at arXiv:1208.0573]},
   Journal = {Electronic pre-print},
   Month = {March},
   Year = {2011},
   Url = { & | Electronic pre-print on &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=topology:arxiv:12 | See more recent and refined version of this work at arXiv:1208.0573 &&
           Projects.ProgrammingLibraries-YAGSBPL | YAGSBPL library &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=planning:AURO:12 | See the related AURO'12 paper for more details &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=homology:amai:13 | See the related AMAI'13 paper for a more refined work },
   eprint = {1103.2488},
   archivePrefix = {arXiv}, 
   primaryClass  = {math-DG},
   note = {arXiv:1103.2488 [math.DG]},
   Key = {homotopy, chi-homotopy, algebraic, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, pre-print, hidden}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Identification and Representation of Homotopy Classes of Trajectories for Search-based Path Planning in 3D},
   TitleComment = {[Original title: Identifying Homotopy Classes of Trajectories for Robot Exploration and Path Planning] [Winner of Best Paper Award]},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
   Month = {27-30 June},
   Year = {2011},
   Url = { & > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/Homotopy3D_Aug19.pdf | PDF &&
           (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/Homotopy3Daux.pdf | Supplimentary notes &&
           *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Short presentation &&
           *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Poster &&
           Projects.ProgrammingLibraries-YAGSBPL | YAGSBPL library  &&
          *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/RSS_11_best_paper.jpeg | Best Paper Award &&
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=planning:AURO:12 | See the related AURO'12 paper },
   Key = {topological path planning, topological abstraction, homotopy, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Hordur Heidarsson and Gaurav S. Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Cooperative Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Oil Skimming and Cleanup},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
   Pages = {},
   Month = {9-13 May},
   Year = {2011},
   Address = {},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/icra2011_final_2001.pdf | PDF &&
          (*)Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/icra2011_Supplementary.pdf | Supplementary notes &&
          *Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/icra2011_oil_skimmer.mp4 | Video &&
          (*)Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/slide.pdf | Single-slide summary &&
          *Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/ | presentation &&
          *Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/ | codes (un-documented) },
   Key = {OilSkimmer, Catenary, Dynamics, Control, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Nathan Michael and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Distributed Coverage and Exploration in Unknown Non-Convex Environments},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems},
   Publisher = { Springer },
   Pages = {},
   Month = {1-3 Nov},
   Year = {2010},
   Address = {},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration_2010/draft.pdf | PDF &&
          *Projects-Work/CoverageExploration_2010/ | presentation &&
          & > (*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration_2010/DARS_poster.pdf | poster &&
          (*)Projects-Work/CoverageExploration_2010/digest-DARS10-55.pdf | single-slide digest &&
          *Projects-Work/CoverageExploration_2010/ | C++ code},
   Key = {Exploration, Coverage, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar and Maxim Likhachev},
   Title = {Search-based Path Planning with Homotopy Class Constraints},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of The Third Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search},
   Pages = {},
   Month = {8-10 July},
   Year = {2010},
   Address = {Atlanta, Georgia},
   Url = {^{For the simple cases in 2-dimensions we have not distinguished between homotopy and homology. The distinction however does exist even in 2-d. See our more recent AURO 2012 paper or RSS 2011 paper for a comprehensive discussion on the distinction between homotopy and homology, examples illustrating the distinction, and its implications in robot planning problems.} | Addendum &&
          & > (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/SOCS_ExAbs_Bhattacharya.pdf | PDF extended abstract &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/SoCS_poster_v2.ppt | Poster &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-DistributedPlanning | Project Page &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Homotopy:AAAI:10 | See AAAI paper with same title for more details &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Homotopy:RSS:11 | See more recent work with significant developments
           Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=planning:AURO:12 | See the related AURO'12 paper },
   Key = {DistributedOptimizationPhD, Optimization, Distributed, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, homotopy, short, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar and Maxim Likhachev},
   Title = {Search-based Path Planning with Homotopy Class Constraints},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of The Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
   Pages = {},
   Month = {11-15 July},
   Year = {2010},
   Address = {Atlanta, Georgia},
   Url = {^{For the simple cases in 2-dimensions we have not distinguished between homotopy and homology. The distinction however does exist even in 2-d. See our more recent AURO 2012 paper or RSS 2011 paper for a comprehensive discussion on the distinction between homotopy and homology, examples illustrating the distinction, and its implications in robot planning problems.} | Addendum &&
          & > (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/HomotopyCauchy_Final.pdf | PDF &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/AAAI_presentation.pptx | PPT Presentation &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-DistributedPlanning | Project Page &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | MATLAB code for uniformly discretized environment &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | MATLAB code for visibility graph &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | C++ code (planning with homotopy class constraints & homotopy class exploration with dynamic obstacles & non-Euclidean cost) 
   Key = {DistributedOptimizationPhD, Optimization, Distributed, topology, graph search, planning, robotics, homotopy, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Vijay Kumar and Maxim Likhachev},
   Title = {Distributed Optimization with Pairwise Constraints and its Application to Multi-robot Path Planning},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},
   Publisher = {MIT Press},
   Pages = {},
   Month = {27-30 June},
   Address = {Zaragoza, Spain},
   Year = {2010},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/DistributedOptimization_312_FINAL.pdf | PDF of the paper &&
          (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/poster_portrait_RSS2010.pdf | Poster &&
          (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/Presentation_Bhattacharya_RSS2010.pdf | 2-slide brief presentation &&
          (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | MATLAB code for the exact implementation &&
          (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/tech_report_FULL.pdf | Related Technical Report &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-DistributedPlanning | Project Page},
   Key = {DistributedOptimizationPhD, Optimization, Distributed, Planning, Graph, Search, Robotics, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Multi-agent Path Planning with Multiple Tasks and Distance Constraints},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
   Pages = {},
   Month = {3-8 May},
   Year = {2010},
   Address = {Anchorage, Alaska},
   Url = {& > (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/Planning_1893.pdf | PDF &&
          (*)Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/tech_report_FULL.pdf | Related Technical Report &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=Planning:RSS:10 | Related paper on distributed optimization with pair-wise constraints &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/ | Presentation &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-DistributedPlanning | Project Page},
   Key = {DistributedOptimizationPhD, Optimization, Distributed, Planning, Graph, Search, Robotics, Bibfile-Presentations, conference}



   Author = {Paul Vernaza and Maxim Likhachev and Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Sachin Chitta and Aleksandr Kushleyev and Daniel D. Lee},
   Title = {Search-based planning for a legged robot over rough terrain},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
   Pages = {2380-2387},
   Month = {12-17 May},
   Year = {2009},
   Url = { > | PDF &&
          & | URL},
   Key = {LittleDog, Robotics, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Sachin Chitta and Vijay Kumar and Daniel Lee},
   Title = {Optimization of a Planer Quadruped Dynamic Leap},
   TitleComment = {[Winner of MSC Simulation Software Award]},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of 2008 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC)},
   Address = {New York City, NY},
   Month = {3-6 August},
   Year = {2008},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/LittleDog/DETC2008-50072.pdf | PDF &&
          *Projects-Work/LittleDog/ | PPT &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-LittleDogDynamicLeap2008 | Project Page &&
          *Projects-Work/LittleDog/MSC_certificate.jpg | MSC Simulation Software Award},
   Key = {LittleDog, Robotics, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A Study on Effect of Stiffener Geometry on the Modal Frequencies of a Rotating Disk with Radial Stiffeners using FEM and Analytical Methods},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics},
   Address = {University of Southampton},
   Month = {July},
   Year = {2006},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/DiskStiffener_Dynamics/DiskStiffener_2006.pdf | PDF &&
          Projects.DynamicsFluids-AnnularDiskWithStiffeners | Project Page},
   Key = {Undergraduate, Dynamics, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Siddharth Talapatra},
   Title = {Robot Motion Planning Using Neural Networks: A Modified Theory},
   TitleComment = {[Winner of Best Paper Award]},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of Second World Congress on Lateral Computing},
   Address = {Bangalore},
   Month = {December},
   Year = {2005},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/MotionPlanning_NeuralNetwork/IJLCVol2No1pg9to13.pdf | PDF &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-MotionPlanningNeuralNetworks | Project page &&
          *Projects-Work/MotionPlanning_NeuralNetwork/WCLCbestPaperAward.jpg | Best paper certificate &&
          *Projects-Work/MotionPlanning_NeuralNetwork/Conference_Paper.doc | Paper source},
   Key = {Undergraduate, MotionPlanning, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Siddharth Talapatra},
   Title = {Robot Motion Planning Using Neural Networks: A Modified Theory},
   Journal = {International Journal of Lateral Computing},
   Pages = {9-13},
   Number = {1},
   Volume = {2},
   Month = {December},
   Year = {2005},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/MotionPlanning_NeuralNetwork/IJLCVol2No1pg9to13.pdf | PDF &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-MotionPlanningNeuralNetworks | Project page &&
          *Projects-Work/MotionPlanning_NeuralNetwork/Conference_Paper.doc | Paper source},
   Note = {ISSN 0973-208X},
   Key = {Undergraduate, MotionPlanning, journal}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {An Accurate Structural Approach to Pattern Recognition},
   Booktitle = {Accepted for presentation in 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems},
   TitleComment = {[Not published because of inability to attend the conference due to unavoidable circumstances]},
   Address = {Paphos-Cyprus},
   Month = {23-27 May},
   Year = {2006},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/PatternRecognition_Geometric/ManuscriptPRL_2006.pdf | PDF &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-PatternRecogGeometric | Project page &&
          *Projects-Work/PatternRecognition_Geometric/ManuscriptPRL.doc | Paper source},
   Key = {Undergraduate, PatternRecognition, conference}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A study on a generalized wave equation for disturbances propagating through a one-dimensional medium placed in a two-dimensional space},
   Booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics},
   Address = {Kharagpur, India},
   Year = {2004},
   Pages = {235-237},
   Url = {(*)Publications-Unsorted/Wave_2004.pdf | PDF &&
          *Publications-Unsorted/Wave_2004.doc | Paper source},
   Key = {Undergraduate, PatternRecognition, conference}


Page last modified on May 01, 2024, at 01:26 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya