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Robotics, AI and Automation Projects

Distributed Optimization with Application to Multi-robot Path Planning

This project is under progress. Updates will be posted as they become available.

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SLAM using geometric approaches

In this project we studied the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping problem using geometric approaches and particle filters.

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Dynamic Leap and Efficient Gait of LITTLEDOG Robot

(c) GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania

In this project we studied and optimized a dynamic behavior and an efficient gait of the LittleDog robot as a part of the Learning Locomotion project.

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Maintenance of Connectivity of Mobile Robot Network

In this project we studied the problem of maintaining network connectivity using a decentralized scheme for a group of mobile robots navigating in an environment without obstacles towards their respective goals.

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Robot Motion Planning Using Neural Networks

In this project we studied a motion planning technique in an environment with obstacles using a Neural Network approach.

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An elementary study on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

[Done as a part of an undergraduate term project]

In this project we studied some techniques of image processing and developed an algorithm for pattern recognition using geometric approaches.

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robotics AI research projects

Page last modified on February 10, 2010, at 05:34 AM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya