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Theses Bibfile (Theses and Reports)

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   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {The title of report or thesis},
   Booktitle = {Conference, symposium, description},
   Institution = {institution},
   Year = {yyyy},
   Url = {*Folder/file1.pdf | PDF &&
          *Folder/file1.ppt | Related presentation &&
          Group.Blog-Page | Project page &&
   Key = {dummy-template}




   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Robert Ghrist and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Relationship Between Gradient of Distance Functions and Tangents to Geodesics},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Month = {February},
   Year = {2012},
   Url = {(*)Projects-MathPhy/Geometry/gradient_of_distance_function_proofs_only.pdf | PDF of report &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=ExploreCoverage:WAFR:12 | Related paper on coverage and exploration
   Key = {Riemannian, geometry, gradient, coverage, non-Euclidean}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Topological and Geometric Techniques in Graph-Search Based Robot Planning},
   School = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2012},
   Month = {January},
   Url = { > (*)Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/dissertation_subhrajit.pdf | PDF of thesis &&
          *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Presentation and movies &&
          ^{Proposition 5.3.1 and Corollary 5.3.2 assume that the metric tensor is isotropic in the given coordinate chart (scalar multiple of Kronecker delta) for the application to robot coverage & exploration. See recent publication or related report for more general statements of the proposition & the corollary.} | Addendum },
   Key = {PhD thesis, graph search, planning, topology, geometry, coverage, exploration, }



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Geometric and Topological Techniques in Graph Search-based Robot Planning},
   Booktitle = {PhD thesis proposal},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2011},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/proposal_subhrajit.pdf | PDF of report &&
          *Projects-Work/GeometricTopological_GraphSearch_Robotics/ | Presentation and movies
   Key = {PhD thesis proposal, graph search, planning, topology, geometry}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Hordur Heidarsson and Gaurav S. Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Supplementary Report: Cooperative Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles for Oil Skimming and Cleanup},
   Year = {2011},
   Month = {January},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/icra2011_Supplementary.pdf | PDF of report &&
          Projects.Publications?action=bibentry&bibfile=PublicationsBibfile&bibref=OilSkimmer:ICRA:11 | Related publication &&
          *Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/icra2011_oil_skimmer.mp4 | Video },
   Key = {OilSkimmer, Catenary, Dynamics, Control}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Time Independent and Time Dependent Catenary Problem},
   Booktitle = {},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2010},
   Month = {Aug},
   Url = {(*)Projects-Work/OilBoom_Catenary_2010/catenary.pdf | PDF of report &&
          Projects.NULL | Project page
   Key = {Catenary, Static, Dynamic, Vibration, String}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya and Maxim Likhachev and Vijay Kumar},
   Title = {Distributed Path Consensus Algorithm},
   Booktitle = {Technical Report},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2010},
   Month = {May},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/tech_report_FULL.pdf | PDF Report &&
          *Projects-Work/DistributedOptimization_MultiAgentPlanning/Planning_1893.pdf | Related publication 1 &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-DistributedPlanning | Project page},
   Key = {DistributedOptimizationPhD, DPC, Optimization, Distributed, Robotics, Planning}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {An elementary study on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition},
   Booktitle = {Computer Graphics course term project},
   Institution = {IIT Kharagpur},
   Year = {2005},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/PatternRecognition_Geometric/WriteUp.pdf | PDF of report &&
          *Projects-Work/PatternRecognition_Geometric/Presentation.ppt | Related presentation &&
          *Projects-Work/PatternRecognition_Geometric/ | Visual Basic code &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-PatternRecogGeometric | Project page
   Key = {Pattern Recognition, undergraduate, term project}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Maintenance of Connectivity of Mobile Robot Network},
   Booktitle = {Distributed Systems course term project},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2008},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/RobotConnectivity_Decentralized/report.pdf | PDF of report (old) &&
          *Projects-Work/RobotConnectivity_Decentralized/ | Matlab code &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-RobotNetworkConnectivity | Project page
   Key = {Distributed, Multi-robot, connectivity, term project}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Motion planning in stratified workspace manifold},
   Booktitle = {PhD qualifying exam thesis},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2007},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/LittleDog/report.pdf | PDF of thesis &&
          *Projects-Work/LittleDog/ | Presentation and movies
   Key = {LittleDog, PhD qualifying exam, stratified manifold, planning, topology}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Simultaneous Body and Leg Motion Employed in the Gait of the LittleDog Robot},
   Booktitle = {Technical Report},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2008},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/LittleDog/report_BodyLegMotion.pdf | PDF report
   Key = {LittleDog, dynamics, simultaneous body leg motion}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {SLAM using geometric approaches},
   Booktitle = {Technical Report},
   Institution = {University of Pennsylvania},
   Year = {2008},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/SLAM_2008/MEAM620_FinalReport_Subhrajit.pdf | PDF report &&
          *Projects-Work/SLAM_2008/final_project.ppt | presentation &&
          Projects.RoboticsAIAutomation-SLAM2008 | Project page &&
          *Projects-Work/SLAM_2008/ | Matlab code
   Key = {SLAM, geometric, mobile robots}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A study on Film Boiling using coupled Level Set and CLSVOF},
   Booktitle = {Technical Report},
   Institution = {IIT Kanpur},
   Year = {2004},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/FilmBoiling_IITk/FilmBoilingFinalReport.pdf | PDF report &&
          Projects.DynamicsFluids-FilmBoiling | Project page
   Key = {CLSVOF, Film Boiling, Level Set}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A Study on Rolling of a Generalised Body on a Flat Plane},
   Booktitle = {Advanced Dynamics course term project report},
   Institution = {IIT Kharagpur},
   Year = {2004},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/Rolling_GeneralizedBody/report.pdf | PDF report &&
          *Projects-Work/Rolling_GeneralizedBody/ | Matlab code &&
          Projects.DynamicsFluids-GeneralizedTop | Project page
   Key = {Dynamics, Generalized rolling, undergraduate}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A Report on Industrial training at L&T Ltd.},
   Booktitle = {Report},
   Institution = {L&T Ltd.},
   Year = {2004},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/LnT_Training/IndustrialTrainingAtLnT_Report.pdf | PDF report
   Key = {L and T, Industrial Training, undergraduate}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {Flow Induced Vibration},
   Booktitle = {Partial Report on Incomplete Project},
   Institution = {IIT Kharagpur},
   Year = {2006},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/Vibration_BTech/AutumnSemReport.pdf | PDF report &&
          *Projects-Work/Vibration_BTech/ | MATLAB code &&
          Projects.DynamicsFluids-FlowInducedVibration | Project page
   Key = {Flow Induced Vibration, B Tech, undergraduate}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A Study on short period dynamics and stability of flexible missiles},
   Booktitle = {B.Tech Thesis},
   Institution = {IIT Kharagpur},
   Year = {2006},
   Url = {*Projects-Work/Vibration_BTech/BTPFinalReport.pdf | PDF report &&
          *Projects-Work/Vibration_BTech/ | MATLAB code &&
          Projects.DynamicsFluids-FlowInducedVibration | Project page
   Key = {dynamics, missile, stability, control, B Tech, undergraduate}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {An alternative definition for a fractal set in a D-dimensional space},
   Booktitle = {Self-study},
   Institution = {Independent},
   Year = {2004},
   Url = {*Projects-MathPhy/Misc-Math-1/pfractdef.pdf | PDF report
   Key = {fractal, independent study}



   Author = {Subhrajit Bhattacharya},
   Title = {A measure of deviation of frequency of a particular item in a sample from the expected frequency},
   Booktitle = {Self-study},
   Institution = {Independent},
   Year = {2004},
   Url = {*Projects-MathPhy/Misc-Math-1/pdeviation1.pdf | PDF report
   Key = {fractal, independent study}


Page last modified on October 12, 2017, at 01:58 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya